Are You Entitled to Your Opinion?

The easy answer to this age-old question is YES if you mean no one has the right to stop you from saying or thinking whatever you want. However, if entitled to your opinion means you have the right to have your opinion treated as the truth, then the answer is a loud NO.

I mean, please, can you try to stop saying, “Everyone is entitled to their opinion” when you are trying to end an argument because you don’t have any facts on your side, just your subjective opinion?

How is it possible I can accept your opinion that the greatest band of the sixties was the Rolling Stones, but you cannot accept my opinion that climate change is a hoax? First of all, your opinion that the Rolling Stones were the greatest band of the sixties is totally subjective; it is your judgment or view and not something that can be argued logically. It is a matter of taste. Using your opinion to share a view or judgment is fine in this situation. However, if I say it is my opinion that climate change is a hoax when there is a preponderance of evidence refuting my opinion, then I am not entitled to have that opinion.

So, when you hear the opinion that the Rolling Stones were the best band of the sixties, do not get upset, that is just an opinion, a judgment. You may not agree with it, but the person who holds that opinion is entitled to it. It may be a good conversation starter, however. But, by the same token, when you hear the opinion that climate change is a hoax, then no, that is no longer a subjective opinion that someone is entitled to, because of the vast amount of evidence that says climate change is indeed a fact.

What do we do when someone presents their opinion to us as a fact that we do not accept based on evidence? We try to present the evidence to them in such a way that we provide them with a basis to change their ‘opinion.’ However, if you hear, “Well, we just have to agree to disagree.” Save yourself, your time, and your arguments for another day; you have just met another human who accepts their own opinions as facts but has not a clue as to what constitutes a fact.

Until Next Time,

I Remain,

Just Another Opinionated Zororastafarian looking for a clue…


Review by Jane White, Austin College, Professor


Review by Dale Howard, Vietnam Vet & singer of songs and ballads